Monday, August 2, 2010

nice countries

h.o.l.l.a.n.d 荷兰
hope our love lasts and never dies. 希望我们的爱永恒不变

i.t.a.l.y. 意大利
I trust and love you. 我相信你和爱你

l.i.b.y.a. 利比亚
love is beautiful; you also. 爱是美丽的 你也是

f.r.a.n.c.e. 法兰西
friendships remain and never can end.友谊天长地久

c.h.i.n.a. 中国
come here. i need affection. 来这 我需要爱

b.u.r.m.a. 缅甸
between us, remember me always. 你我之间,常常记得我

n.e.p.a.l. 尼泊尔
never ever part as lovers. 像情人一样永不分开

i.n.d.i.a. 印度
i nearly died in adoration. 我差点在狂爱中死去

k.e.n.y.a 肯尼亚
keep everything nice, yet arousing. 全部东西保养好来保持趣味

cute and naughty action that developed into attraction

k.o.r.e.a. 南韩
keep optimistic regardless of every adversity. 虽然事与愿违保持乐观

e.g.y.p.t. 埃及
everything's great, you pretty thing!! 十全十美,你这漂亮的东西

m.a.n.i.l.a. 马尼拉
may all nights inspire love always. 漫漫长夜时时刻刻感到爱

p.e.r.u. 秘鲁
phorget (forget) everyone...remember us. 忘记其他人记得我们

t.h.a.i.l.a.n.d. 泰国
totally happy. always in love and never dull. 快乐无比,沐浴在爱中

Saturday, May 8, 2010

No Boundaries

You know what you want but how long can you wait/你知道自己的目标,可你还能守候多久
Everymoment lasts forever/你感到已迷失方向
When you fee lyou've lost your way/每一刻都漫长到没有尽头
And what if my chances are already gone/万一我已无获胜的机会,我该怎样
Is tarted believing that I could be wrong/我开始怀疑自己可能走错了方向
But you gave me one good reason/可你给了我一个充足的理由
To fight and never walk away/去奋力拼搏,决不退缩
So here I am still holding on!/所以我仍在这里苦苦坚持
With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山
Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息
You'll make it through the pain/你定能挺过所有痛苦的煎熬
Weather the hurricanes/经受住暴风雨的洗礼
To get to that one thing/去领取那无上的荣耀
Just when you think the road is going nowhere/就在你觉得前方无路可走的时候
Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams/就在你觉得梦想行将破灭的时候
They take you by the hand/他们却将你手握紧
And show you that you can/告诉你要相信自己
There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限
There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限
If ought till the limit to stand on the edge/我拼尽全力才站在悬崖边上
What if today is as good as it gets/如果今天是最后的机会
Don't know where the future's heading/真不知我的未来该通往何方
But nothing's gonna bring me down/可什么也别想将我阻挡
I've jumped every bridge/我跨越过每一道障碍
And I've run every line/我突破过每一道封锁
I've risked being safe/我拿自己的生命冒险
But I always knew why/始终明白其义何在
I always knew why/始终明白其义何在
So here I am still holding on!/所以我仍在这里苦苦坚持
With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山
Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息
You'll make it through the pain/你定能挺过所有痛苦的煎熬
Weather the hurricanes/经受住暴风雨的洗礼
To get to that one thing/去领取那无上的荣耀
Just when you think the road is going nowhere/就在你觉得前方无路可走的时候
Just when you've almost gave up on your dreams/就在你觉得梦想行将破灭的时候
They take you by the hand/他们却将你手握紧
And show you that you can/告诉你要相信自己
You can go higher/你可以飞得更高
You can go deeper/你可以潜得更深
There are noboundaries/无论天上还是地下
Above and beneath you/都任由你自由驰骋
Break every rule/冲破每一条束缚
Cause there's nothing between you and your dreams/因为再没有什么能阻挡你去实现自己的梦想
With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山
Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息
There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限
There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限
With every step you climb another mountain/你一步一步艰难地越过又一座高山
Every breath is harder to believe/每口呼吸都足以令你窒息
You'll make it through the pain/你定能挺过所有痛苦的煎熬
Weather the hurricanes/经受住暴风雨的洗礼
There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限
There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限
There are noboundaries/你的潜力无限

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bed news

Just now I heard a news about Mr. Arif don't teach us Reading any more.I still remeber the first day he came to the class,you make the ambience of class exultantly,all of us acquiesce he is one of the best lecturers.
Now he will leave us ,I was up for a time and then, without warning, despondent again.
I'll remeber the time we spent together.Anyhow,thank him for everything he done.Take care.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Someone is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.
As well as saricou.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


我在床上躺了好久,久得当我起来时,感觉周围的一切都不像是真实的. 这样的念头即使出现,也会一闪而过,瞬间消失不见。
说起来, 妈妈还不信我在学校起那么早,而室友也不信我在家会睡那么晚。
今天,我居然睡到中午。第一次那么晚起,反而不知道该干些什么。其实我是想学习的,可是,为什么不愿意看书呢?我不知道。然后莫名地想打电话——无论给谁——却发现电话欠费了。再折中一点吧,我打开刚刚关掉的电脑,准备找人语音——我是真的好想听到一个熟悉的声音。可是我又失望了,因为在线的人都不熟,熟的人都不在线。 昨晚上,我打开一个本子,在那么多的文字中看到一句话——我的心很深很深,我希望别人能了解我,而不是我去告诉他什么而让他明白我,我希望你也可以,尽管这样很困难。

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Smile is an attitude

I smile. Does not mean I am happy.
My open a umbrella.Does not mean I want to take shelter from rain.
You never do not know what I was thinking about.
I want to hug everyone,But I had to warm myself,Please forgiven me。
Because I have to practice tolerance you.